Maps & Directions

Canada Life Place has provided the transportation, parking, and information below solely as a courtesy and for your convenience only. Canada Life Place makes no recommendations or representations, express or implied, about any of these business services or establishments.

Canada Life Place encourages you to make your own inquiries regarding services and accommodations for individuals with disabilities as there are other business services and establishments in the area. We also welcome any recommendations that you may have and would like to share with other patrons. If we may be of any assistance, please feel free to contact us at


Canada Life Place is located at 99 Dundas St. London, Ontario, N6A 6K1.


Canada Life Place has over 8,000 parking spaces within walking distance of the building.

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Public Transportation

If you use public transit, please check local bus routes. They can be found at the following LTC bus routes.

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Local Attractions

Visit for information on the City of London.

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