#BGReviewer: Corey Hart

June 10, 2019

Reliving my teen years with Corey Hart and Glass Tiger last night at Budwieser Gardens!


In 1985 my best friend and I waited all night and all day in the blazing sun to get up front at the Corey Hart concert at London Gardens. My friend got heat stroke and after treatment from medical, we spent the rest of the concert sitting at the back. It was still one of my favourite concerts. Corey was so sweet and passionate. Flash forward to 2019 at Canada Life Place in a comfy air-conditioned arena and Corey is still just a sweet and lovely as ever.


Glass Tiger opened the show and immediately got the crowd up dancing.  Alan Frew was rockin just as hard as he use to back in the 80's.


Corey and his band which includes his wife Julie Masse hit the stage and the whole place lit up. Things got moving when they started Boy in the Box .The video's behind Corey of his younger self singing along were lovely to see.


He told many stories and charmed the audience telling us that we should all live our dreams. He played a video of a conversation with his son. He told his son how sad he was that he did not get to spend time with his dad and that he wanted to be there for his family and always live a happy life.He played beautiful versions of many of his hits including Eurasian Eyes.. In your Soul..A little love and more.


Then in the middle of the floor he appeared on a small stage with his band and his piano. He talked about wanting to connect and become closer to everyone. He sang She Got The Radio and then called up a fan that had written to him on facebook. Her mother had died recently and he hugged her and sang Let It Be. he spoke of his mom and how close they were and how she made him believe he could follow his dreams. The audience was in a trance. On the way back to the stage, Corey high-fived and hugged as many fans as he could. Corey played a beautiful version of Can't Help Falling in Love and Viva La Vida which got the crowd jumpin.


Finally the encore... Sun Glasses at Night.. we put on our shades and danced. Corey finished the night with Never Surrender.. and after the band took a bow and left, Corey thanked everyone and with as much passion as he had when he was a young superstar in the 80's, he stood on the stage alone and sang a few bars of Never Surrender and it was glorious! Still adore Corey Hart after all these years.


Thank you to Canada Life Place for a lovely show I will never forget.


#BGReviewer: @heatstover

Photos: Bill Woodcock


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